

Expert Advice

I can provide expert insight on topics including decision-making, indecision, teamwork and crisis management.

Training and Workshops

I run training events and workshops that can be tailored to your needs. These can be in-person or online, and range in length from half-day to full week events. Events range from classroom style informative sessions through to interactive simulations.

Areas of Expertise

I have worked with a range of organisations to build understanding about how to make decisions and operate in teams under pressure.

Decision-making under pressure

I have expertise in decision processes, cognitive biases, heuristics, expertise, indecision and decision inertia. I have a special interest in the role of indecision during crises and developing solutions to overcome it.

Teamwork under pressure

I have a wealth of experience studying teamwork under pressure with a special interest in multi-team systems – contexts where multiple sub-teams from different areas must combine expertise. I have looked at communications, flexibility, trust, identities and goals in these contexts.


I am always happy to chat about potential knowledge exchange and consultancy projects. If you want to get in touch then please don’t hesitate to contact me on